Relieve Back Pain With Chiropractic Treatments

Chiropractic Treatments for Back Pain Blaine, MNNo two back injuries are the same, no two people suffer from the same type or severity of back pain in the same area of their back, and no two causes of back pain are exactly the same. All of these factors, in addition to exercise habits and your daily routines, can play a role in causing or exacerbating back pain and back injuries. That’s why, in order to treat back injuries and provide lasting back pain relief, at Catalyst Chiropractic, we provide full chiropractic care services that are intended to help patients suffering from back pain through chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, acupuncture, corrective exercises and lifestyle changes.

Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractic spinal adjustments are at the core of chiropractic care, an often integral part of providing natural back pain relief. Used for back injury recovery treatments, everyday back pain relief, and more, chiropractic spinal adjustments can be hugely beneficial for anyone suffering from high or lower back pain, no matter the cause. With chiropractic adjustments, we are able to realign your vertebrae, ensuring that your spine is returned to its natural position, if it’s become misaligned. Whether you’re suffering from back pain caused by misaligned vertebrae or not, with a spinal adjustment we can help your back return to the optimal position for healing. This ensures that your entire body is relaxed, limber, and ready to begin healing. Chiropractic adjustments can be instrumental in improving range of motion, reducing musculoskeletal stress, improving circulation, and relieving nerve tension.

Back Pain Massage Therapy

Included in our list of back pain relief services is massage therapy, an effective back pain relief solution and natural back injury treatment that’s proven to work. Massage therapy offers diverse healing abilities and massage techniques, used to combat pain caused by a number of your body’s systems. Whether you’re experiencing nerve-related back pain, back pain linked to your circulatory system, or muscular back pain, massage therapy can target your body’s muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems, treating related back pain and back injuries. Therein lies the beauty of massage therapy; its versatility makes it a helpful back pain relief solution, capable of healing back injuries in conjunction with chiropractic spinal adjustments or acupuncture.

Acupuncture Back Pain Relief

Depending on the cause of your back pain, acupuncture could very well be a simple and highly effective back pain relief solution. Acupuncture involves the insertion of small, sterilized needles into areas of your back specifically chosen based on the center of your pain. Acupuncture allows for a focused treatment, concentrating our efforts on a single area or multiple locations in your back. From pulled muscles to pinched nerves, acupuncture can help to relax your body, providing a natural back pain remedy that will help to heal or treat conditions that cause back pain.

Corrective Exercises for Long-Lasting Back Pain Relief

When seeking back pain relief treatments, particularly for back injury recovery, patients sometimes forget to consider the potential causes of their back pain, including their everyday activities. Your daily routines, from how often you exercise to how you use your body at work, can have a serious impact on the fitness and health of your back, and if you’ve sustained a back injury, it may have been caused, or exacerbated, by your own lifestyle. That’s why we help you determine what may be causing your back pain, and how you can help relieve daily back pain through back strength building exercises. With corrective exercises, we can help your body function normally so that you can complete daily tasks with less back pain and less risk of back injury.

Back Injury Spinal Rehabilitation

At our chiropractic clinic, we aim to help all patients suffering from back pain, including those who are suffering from injury- or surgery-related back pain. We provide chiropractic care services for back pain relief that are intended to aid you in back injury recovery, relieve daily back pain caused by injury, and combat post-surgical back pain. Rehabilitation can prevent future back pain and back injuries, and even help you avoid back surgeries that may be unnecessary.

For chiropractic spinal adjustments, massage therapy back pain relief, acupuncture treatments, corrective exercises, and more natural remedies for back pain and back injury treatments, contact Catalyst Chiropractic at (763) 205-3781 or


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Office Location:
10904 Baltimore St NE #103
Blaine, MN 55449

(763) 205-3781

Office Hours:
Monday 8:00-12:00 pm & 2-5 pm
Tuesday 2-6 pm
Wednesday 8:00-12:00 pm & 2-5 pm
Thursday 2-6 pm
Friday 8:00-11:00 am