Three Top Researched Benefits Of Chiropractic CareFor those experiencing ongoing back pain, neck pain, headaches, or any other chronic symptoms, safe and effective relief is possible. Especially for victims of an accident or injury, chiropractic care has been proven to relieve issues for patients experiencing these negative health issues.

From musculoskeletal pains and dizziness to chronic fatigue and sleeplessness, symptoms can vary greatly. Fortunately, a certified chiropractic physician provides a variety of treatments to address the root cause of these symptoms.

If you are fighting through these concerns, know that the following research has shown how chiropractic care can provide relief:

Life Can Be A Real Pain

One of the most common symptoms for which patients seek chiropractic care is lower back pain. Lower back pain can have several causes. From simple muscle strain to lumbar disc herniation or vertebral compression fractures, many of its causes are not associated with a specific event or trauma to the area.

According to research from the UNC School of Medicine, nearly half of all working Americans experience back pain every year. Unfortunately, many people who experience back pain wind up with narcotics and surgery as the first line of treatment.

A prominent professor of orthopedics at the UNC School of Medicine explains that patients who take narcotics actually develop more severe and chronic pain over time. Unlike surgery or the use of narcotics, chiropractic care provides non-evasive and drug-free techniques to relieve pain that do not create issues down the road.

Our Spine Is More Connected To Our Symptoms Than We Realize

Migraines and chronic headaches continue to plague a large portion of our population. Patients who participated in a 2007 Harvard study that incorporated chiropractic care experienced a reduced number of headaches following their treatment.

Also, a study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension revealed how chiropractic adjustments can even provide relief for patients with high blood pressure. The Chicago-area study showed that after a one-time chiropractic adjustment, blood pressure decreased significantly.

Chiropractic care providers have known that techniques relieve symptoms of high blood pressure such as fatigue, dizziness, and anxiety. This study confirms that adjustments to align the C-1 vertebra provides results equal to taking two blood-pressure medications at the same time.

For more on these benefits and others that can relieve your pain, call Catalyst Chiropractic & Rehab at 763-205-3781 or use our online contact form today!